Starting School in 2024
Welcome to St Wilfrid's Catholic Primary School
Reception Class starting September 2024
We are delighted that you have chosen St Wilfrid's as your child's school.
We have recently written to you with the details for a Parents' Meeting on the 24th June.
It will be held in our Meeting Room at 1:30pm.
You will have the opportunity to meet your child's teachers and other Reception 2024 parents.
Please find below information we think will be useful for when your child starts school.
Ready for school checklist: 
In order to promote your childs independence when he/she starts school please could you encourage/help your child with the following important skills.
Can your child:
- Respond to an adult or ask for help?
- Put their coat on and off, managing the zip/buttons?
- Go to the toilet and wash their hands independently?
- Get a tissue and blow their nose unprompted?
- Carry a plate and eat with a knife and a fork?
- Unwrap food packaging including peeling fruit?
- Tidy up toys and put things away unprompted?
- Wait for their turn when an adult is busy with others?
- Comply with reasonable adult requests promptly?
We are updating our 'Starting School Booklet' which will be available soon.