British Values
At St Wilfrid’s, we teach fundamental British Values through our RE curriculum, using The Way, The Truth and the Life series. Links are shown in the download below.
In our school, we also do many other things which promote British Values.
British Value
Evidence of our Teaching
Individual Liberty – Enable students to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self confidence
- Belonging to a family and the family of the Church
- Rights & Responsibilities
- Responsibility - caring for our common home (Laudato Si)
- Personal Targets
- Child led learning
- Choosing own reading books
- Choice of after school activities
- Playtime
- Mission Statement
- Celebration assemblies
- Safeguarding
- Permission Slips
- Inclusion of SEN
- Tailored interventions
- Freedom of opinion – staff, pupils & parents
- Pupil voice
Mutual Respect – Enabling pupils to work together to respect themselves, fellow pupils, staff, parents and the wider community.
- Teaching pupils to act in accordance with the teachings of Jesus and the Church.
- Sports tournaments
- Daily routines
- Working well in group and whole class situations
- Helping others
- Play Leaders, Liturgy Leaders, School Council, Buddies
- CAFOD Club
- Mini Vinnies
- Collections for Food Bank
- Inclusion Policy
- Playtime
- Assemblies
- Residentials/Trips
- Celebrate the achievement of others
- Mission Statement
- Collective Worship
- Behaviour Policies
- Home School Agreement
- School community/Parish Links
- Anti-bullying Week
- School Values
Democracy – Enabling pupils to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the school locality and in wider society.
- Actions and Consequences
- Being Responsible for our behaviour
- Using our gifts to help others
- Know that we are called to work for justice and speak out against injustice.
- Personal Targets
- Elected school councillors
- Child Initiated Learning
- Pupil Voice
- Assemblies
- School Houses
- Equal opportunities
- Governors
The Rule of Law – Enabling pupils to distinguish between right and wrong and to respect the civil and criminal laws of England.
- Teaching the Ten Commandments
- Studying the teachings of Jesus
- Behaviour and anti-bullying policies
- School Rules
- Road safety
- Bikeability
- WOW - walk to school
- eSafety
- Assemblies
- Home School Agreement
- Whistle blowing
- Safeguarding
- Attendance Records
- Updated training
- DBS checks on staff
Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
- The Mission of the Church
- Class projects on Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, etc. taught as part of the RE curriculum
- Good manners
- Expectations of behaviour
- Residential visits
- Links with our own Catholic Faith
- Selling poppies in school
- Remembrance Day
- Fundraising activities
- Mini-Vinnies
- CAFOD Club
- Assemblies
- Church links
- Recognition of different ways of life/rituals
- Social skills
- Learning to be respectful towards others
- Multi-cultural menus
- Admissions Policy
Files to Download