Year 1 2024 - 2025
Mrs Cooper
Class Teacher
Mrs Coleman
SEN Teaching Assistant
Welcome to Year 1
To support your child with their phonics at home, you will find some useful files and links attached to this page. These can be referred to whilst reading together or during writing activities.
We will be having PE on a Monday (outside) and Thursday (inside). This term we will be working on our hand skills in ball games and how to make our bodies big in gymnastics.
For this half term we will be focusing place value to 10 and addition and subtraction.
Please record any home time reads in your child's reading diary. This can be a story, a recipe, a comic or phonics practice. You must bring it to school every day. It also contains helpful phonics pages. Children will change the book once a week, they need to have read the book 4 times (at home and at school) to be able to change it.
Many of our children have a year 6 reading buddy. They love sharing stories together :)
During the Autumn term, the children are encouraged to become familiar with our classroom resources to support accurate spelling. In the Spring term the children will then begin to bring home spellings to practice (please note we do not do spelling tests but fun activties to embed knowledge) .
Phonics games! To help the children prepare for the phonics screen check in June have a go at a few games :)
There's a fab alien game that has a mario vibe!
Lots of flash card options
Though a subscription is needed for a few of the games, there are some actvities the children are familiar with.